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Private Lessons

Private lesson study is available to all Eastern students regardless of major or minor. To succeed in private lessons at the collegiate level, students must have previous musical experience and be able to demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency on their instrument/voice. Students in private lessons apply their studies through participation in ensembles and perform regularly at Music Program events, including the Noon Recital Series.

All music minors and non-majors are required to complete an audition to enroll in private lessons. Please see the information below regarding the audition process.

Private Lessons are available in the following areas:

For all other instrumental studies, please contact Emily Riggs (Private Lesson Coordinator).

The Music Program's complete policies regarding Private Lesson Eligibility and Expectations can be viewed HERE.

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How to Apply

  1. Complete the Private Lesson Audition Form.
  2. When you complete the Audition Form, you will be asked to provide a link to your audition video. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube and marked as either "public" or "unlisted."
  3. If you need access to a university instrument to complete your audition, please contact Dr. Jeff Calissi ( to inquire about availability.


Audition Requirements

  1. Prepare one selection that you believe demonstrates your current level of ability on your instrument or voice. (Memorization is not required!)
  2. The video must be a complete run-through of your selection, without edits.  Your hands (or face for singers) must be visible during the entire video.
  3. All voice auditions must be accompanied (Piano accompaniment tracks from YouTube or other app/online resource can be used). 



All Private​ Lesson Audition Forms must be received by Thursday, August 31st, however, students are encouraged to submit their audition form ASAP. Auditions will be reviewed as they are received/completed and space in some studios is limited.


All audition results will be communicated via Eastern email.

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