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Advising Resources

Tutoring Support

  • Tutor: Brandon Steen 

    Class: BIS 205, BIS 305, BIS 370, BIS 373, CSC 180, CSC 202, CSC 210

    Times Available: T/R, 11 am - 1 pm, Academic Success Center's Tutoring Center located on the 1st level of the library.



  • Tutor: Lily Kenefick

    Classes:  ACC 201 & ACC 301

    Times Available:  T, 3:20 - 5 pm; W, 1:20 - 3:50 pm

    Location:  Academic Success Center's Tutoring Center located on the 1st level of the library.

  • Tutor: Brandon Steen 

    Class: BIS 205, BIS 305, BIS 370, BIS 373, CSC 180, CSC 202, CSC 210

    Times Available: T/R, 11 am - 1 pm, Academic Success Center's Tutoring Center located on the 1st level of the library.


     TA:  Joseph Hines

    Available:  R, 3:15 - 4 pm, Webb 407


    TA:  Samuel Hurlburt

    Available:  R, 3:15 - 4 pm, Webb 407



    Note: BUS 205 - Information Management tutoring listed under Business and LAC Core Tutoring.  Some support by BUS 205 tutors, might be available if available tutoring hours allow for BIS 361, BIS 370 and BIS 373 courses.

Student Worker Hours


    Worker: Drew Cavar

    Hours:  M/W, 11am-2pm; T, 12pm-2pm