Allied Health Concentration
Recommended Course Sequence
Core Requirements
- HSC 215* Biology for the Health Sciences w/Lab - 4 credits
- HSC 225 Medical Terminology - 4 credits
- PSY 212 Lifespan Development - 3 credits
- Choose one course:
- HPE 430/HSC 430 Statistics in Health and Exercise Science - 3 credits
- MAT 216 Statistical Data Analysis - 3 credits
- BIO 304/314*** Genetics and Society w/Lab - 4 credits
- BIS 362 Healthcare Informatics - 3 credits
- Choose one course:
- ANT 302/HSC 302 Research Methods for Health Sciences - 3 credits
- HSC 400 Quantitative Research Methods - 4 credits
- HSC 438^^ Current Topics in Health Sciences Seminar - 3 credits
Subtotal: 27-28 credits

Required Courses
- Choose one course:
- BIO 301/302*** Microbes and Your Health w/Lab - 4 credits
- HSC 425 Microbiology for Health Sciences w/Lab - 4 credits
- BIO 334 General Microbiology w/Lab - 4 credits
- HSC 318/HPE 318 Anatomy and Physiology I w/Lab - 4 credits
- HSC 319/HPE 319 Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab - 4 credits
- CHE 210/212 General Chemistry I w/Lab - 4 credits
- CHE 211/213 General Chemistry II w/Lab - 4 credits
Subtotal: 20 credits
- choose twelve (12) credits:
- BUS 201 Principles of Management - 3 credits
- BUS/HSC 255 Health Communication and Social Marketing - 3 credits
- BUS 350 Healthcare Management - 3 credits
- CHE 216 Organic Chemistry I w/Lab - 4 credits
- CHE 217 Organic Chemistry II w/Lab - 4 credits
- CHE 316 Biochemistry I - 3 credits
- HSC 308 Principles of Toxicology - 3 credits
- HSC 400 Quantitative Research Methods for Health Sciences - 3 credits
- HSC 404 Infection, Immunity and Inflammation - 3 credits
- HSC 408 Principles of Pharmacology - 3 credits
- MAT 243 Calculus I with Technology - 4 credits
- PHY 204 General Physics I w/Lab - 4 credits
- PHY 205 Physics II w/Lab - 4 credits
- PSY 301 Abnormal Psychology - 3 credits
- PSY 325 Health Psychology - 3 credits
- SLM 375 Exercise for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities - 3 credits
- SOC 307 Deviance - 3 credits
- SOC 311 Drugs & Society - 3 credits
- SOC 312 Sociology of Mental Illness - 3 credits
Subtotal: 12 credits
Concentration total: 59-60 credits

*approved substitution to meet Liberal Arts Core Tier I Natural Science
**approved reuse to meet Liberal Arts Core Tier II Applied Information Technology
***approved reuse to meet Liberal Arts Core Tier II Natural Science
^meets Stage 2 University Writing Requirement
^^meets Stage 3 University Writing Requirement