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Published on January 26, 2023

Meeting the Connecticut Supreme Court Judges

As an aspiring lawyer, the opportunity to meet the Connecticut Supreme Court was not one that I could pass up. I was invited to breakfast with the justices by Dr. Broscious along with several of my peers. The university set up the Art Gallery in the Fine Arts Center and provided us with an assortment for breakfast. We all arrived before the justices, so we sat anxiously waiting for them to arrive. The anxiety felt before they got there, I soon realized was for nothing. The justices were extremely kind and genuinely interested in answering our questions. They told us all a little about themselves and we were able to converse until they were needed to go get ready for the trial. My peers and I joined a line for security clearance before we were able to enter the concert hall. I took my seat and the first trial began a few minutes later. I was instantly captivated and hung onto every word that was spoken. I was in awe of the process and genuinely impressed by the proceedings. After the trial, the attorneys graciously offered to answer questions that the audience had. After about 30 minutes, the process started again with new sets of attorneys and a new trial. The two trials heard that day were State of Connecticut v. Shaila M. Curet, and John Drumm, Chief of Police, et al. v. Freedom of Information Commission et al; I highly recommend looking into both. Overall, this day was filled with education about the legal system and the opportunity to make connections with those in a field I hope one day to be in. I am extremely grateful to the Connecticut Supreme Court for taking time out of their busy schedules to eat breakfast with us before the trials and those at Eastern responsible for making that day happen.

Written by Isabelle Lastrina