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Published on September 28, 2022

Polisci student Larraine Rubacha interns at the Klarides congressional campaign

My duties as an intern for the Themis Klarides campaign pertained to voter outreach. The purpose of voter outreach is to provide the potential voters with the candidate’s platform and beliefs which would result in a vote for the candidate.

The task was a necessary and important part of the internship though it was repetitive and uninspiring until someone answered the phone and proceeded to relate all their own beliefs.

Larraine and KlaridesVoter outreach was an experience I will remember as the responses from the potential voters was so varied and passionate. The learning experience resulted from the way phone calls were made. In most cases, without the call being answered by a voter, leaving a voice mail was a matter of clicking a button and the next call could be made in seconds. The app running the outreach was very effective and only had a few minor glitches.

At the watch party the evening of the election at campaign headquarters in Middletown, I found myself in awe of the process and I feel like I played an important role in the campaign. When the candidate herself thanked me personally during her conciliatory speech, I was amazed she acknowledged the number of calls I made (12,545) and how helpful I had been to the campaign.

The night of the election had a party atmosphere to it. The tables were lined with salads, pizzas of every kind, and snacks. There were coolers full of soft drinks, beer, and water. Meeting all the staff on the campaign was amazing as they were so welcoming and grateful for all the help given to the success of the campaign. There were Rep. Klarides’s supporters along with other interns and volunteers. Television stations and reporters crowded the room. I did an interview for the Hartford Courant while waiting for the election results to start arriving. Of course, the atmosphere changed somewhat when it was realized that the bid for US Senate by this candidate was unsuccessful. The champagne to celebrate a victory was never poured. The outcome was unexpected, but having participated in the campaign produced a feeling of comradery with the staff. It was something bigger than myself and my world at Eastern and truly an experience to be remembered.

Written by Larraine Rubacha