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Concurrent Enrollment Course Offerings

Interested in adding more Dual Enrollment courses at your high school or starting a new partnership? Check out the map of our current Dual Enrollment partners and explore the courses available for college credit below.

If you're interested in discussing a new partnership or obtaining sample syllabi, please contact Chris Drewry at

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American Studies

  • An introduction to the interdisciplinary study of American culture, including selected aspects of American history, literature, and the arts.


  • This course will explore the creative process of studio art. Development of ideas through studio art projects will generate problem solving in image making. Essential terms will provide the student with the language to critique and discuss works of art.
  • This course is an introduction course to provide knowledge to develop various aspects of art and design. The topics will focus on the methods of traditional perception of color and exploration of visual organization through two-dimensional design principles.
  • An introduction to the fundamental issues and techniques of drawing that will include basic conceptual and thematic development. Drawing skill and visual awareness are addressed through formal exercises and creative projects. Emphasis will be on the development of visual perception through the exploration of line, value, form, space and composition.
  • This course offers instruction in the creative use of water color, gouache, tempera and ink. The goal of the course for students to gain an understanding of transparent and opaque printing techniques with various water media.
  • This course is an introduction to the art of painting emphasizing color and composition.
  • Workshop experience with clay processes used in making and decorating pottery. Emphasis on hand pieces, decoration, glazing, modeling and knowledge of the use of the potter's wheel and operation of kiln.
  • This course is an introduction to the basic ideas and techniques of color. The understanding of color effects and awareness are addressed through paint exercises and creative projects. Emphasis will be on the usage of paint to create a variety of subjective and expressive images.


  • An introduction to visual astronomy: the celestial sphere, constellations, night vision, meteors, comets, the moon, eclipses, celestial navigation, time keeping, the planets, the history of astronomy, light pollution, stellar scintillation, telescopes and cosmic structures. Students will learn about data collection, analysis, hypothesis testing and the ethics of light pollution.


  • This course introduces students to the study of organismal interactions: both among organisms, as well as those between organisms and their physical environment. Course topics include the movement of energy through ecosystems, species interactions, population dynamics, and human impacts on other organisms and the environment. Topics will be presented within an evolutionary framework, drawing on connections to human experience as well as other sub-disciplines of biology. Special emphasis will be placed on critical evaluation of scientific information, the scientific method and ecology as a scientific enterprise.
  • Students in this course will participate in the process of science, through a variety of hands-on investigations in ecology. Activities will be designed to teach key scientific skills such as observation and measurement, manipulation and control of variables, graphical analysis, and the formulation of alternative hypotheses. Elementary statistical concepts will also be explored, via simple spreadsheet analyses. Students will apply scientific principles of experimental design and data analysis to problems drawn from ecology, as well as from everyday life. This course is intended to provide an accessible and relevant hands-on laboratory experience for non-majors, which, together with BIO 200 (Ecology And The Environment), will fulfill their LAC Tier 1 requirement for Natural Science with Laboratory.
  • Finding answers when confronted with an illness can be difficult. You may wonder what's wrong? What is known about this illness? How can this be treated? Then when searching for answers you may encounter a barrage of news articles, research papers, and "medical jargon." In this course, you will become more knowledgeable about how the body works, common diseases that result when things go wrong, and treatments for those diseases. By working in groups, we will explore scientific advancements in disease research and how the media presents research.


  • This course provides and introduction to the foundations of management. Instruction emphasizes the history of management; the practical use of theories, frameworks and models; integrating functional areas of business; and other special topics including: corporate culture, ethics, social responsibility, entrepreneurship; and international, public, and nonprofit management.
  • An introduction to the field of marketing. This course is designed to expose students to the elements of the marketing mix and processes involved in market planning and control. Concepts associated with buyer behavior, marketing information systems and product planning are discussed.
  • An orientation to sport management, sport science, and sport performance including the terminology, historic and scientific foundations, sub-disciplines, academic research, professional considerations, career preparation and opportunities as well as professional responsibilities. Current issues and future trends in sport and leisure management are also included.
  • A study of the American legal system including a study of the history and development of law in general, a specific study of constitutional law as it applies to the business environment, the law of torts and crimes, dispute resolution methods, and the law of contracts and agency.


  • An introductory chouse about chemistry and the role it plays in our everyday lives. Topics include general chemistry, an introduction to chemical compounds, and introductory biological chemistry and how these areas of science relate to current societal issues such as pollution, food, and drug development. Laboratory exercises will provide experience in observation, experimentation, and analysis of data. Three hours lecture, two and a half hours laboratory work per week.
  • Conceptual approach to modern chemistry. Topics include atomic theory, laws and theories concerning physical and chemical behavior. Emphasis given to structure of atoms and molecules and the nature of chemical bonding.
  • Continuation of CHE 210.
  • Laboratory offered simultaneously with CHE 210.
  • Laboratory offered simultaneously with CHE 211.


  • Course compliments the introductory course to mass communication. The purpose is to focus the attention of the student on the most basic element of all communication: the human sender and receiver of messages.
  • Original speeches; emphasis on rhetoric and audience psychology.

Computer Science

  • We live in a digital society where computer-based technologies impact nearly every facet of our day-to-day lives. These technologies would not be possible without computer science. This course provides an introduction to computer science and will be of interest to both majors and non-majors who want to learn foundational concepts in the field, as well as common computer science applications. Centered around creative problem-solving and management of information, students will learn how to apply computational thinking to solve a variety of problems through hands-on projects. Topics include algorithms, writing code, data representation, information security, and artificial intelligence. After foundational concepts are covered, the course discusses common computer applications, heir impact on society, and the ethical issues that arise from existing and emerging technologies.
  • Because of our relationship with technology, we have entrusted some of the most important data about us to computer systems, sometimes without our knowledge. Consider how many times you have surrendered your name, date of birth, social security number, address, credit card number, and other such data to a computer. What degree of confidence do you have that this data is currently safe and secure? How confident are you that transmission of such data to the computer was accomplished in a secure fashion? This course will introduce students to practical concepts and principles of data security. Issues such as ensuring proper protection of data both when it has been stored (data at rest) and when it is being moved across a network (data in transit) will be examined. Approaches to user identification and authentication will be presented. Also considered will be the steps needed to ensure the privacy of data collected and recorded about us.
  • An introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer science and programming. Topics include data types, control structures, arrays, files, and an introduction to objects as well as debugging techniques and the social implications of computing. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline.
  • This course introduces students to the concepts and techniques of web development. Students will examine characteristics that make a web page unique and functionally effective. This course uses a hands-on approach that allows students to apply web development techniques to design their own web pages. Standard web development software products and markup language will be discussed. Web site implementation and problem solving strategies will also be covered.


  • Sociological and historical survey of justice. Emphasis on Western justice and roles of judiciary, state police and municipal police.


  • Students will be introduced to core macroeconomic concepts and how they impact people's lives. Upon successful completion of the course, students can communicate with peers on topics such as the causes and effects of budget deficits, inflation, high unemployment rates while using critical thinking and quantitative reasoning on what, if any monetary and fiscal policies should be pursued by the government and the Federal Reserve in order to achieve low inflation, full employment and robust economic growth.


  • This course is designed for any student who is interested about learning and teaching in NK-12 schools as future educators, parents, and concerned citizens. Through a 2-hour seminar of study and self-reflection and a weekly 3-hour field experience in local schools, students will actively investigate primary through secondary classrooms and the dynamic and complex relationships of individuals and their communities concerning schools.


  • Introduction to literature as both verbal art form and cultural force. Readings in a variety of forms and from different periods and traditions all focused on a common theme (themes vary by instructor). Emphasis is on reading complex texts carefully and responding to them through discussion and in writing.
  • ENG 201 serves as an introduction to the written creative process for students who are not English majors. This class will be run as a workshop in which students will give and get feedback on original creative work. Each student will produce a portfolio of polished creative work by the end of the term.


  • Development of the four basic skills, grammar review, and reading of selected materials of cultural and literary interest.
  • Continuation of FRE 210: Intermediate French I.


  • An examination of various habitats of the physical world - mountains, deserts, plains - with particular emphasis on the interrelationship between place and self.
  • The history, nature and functions of urban settlements will be considered, with attention to problems of urban areas which are spatial. Introduction also to practical problems using census data, interpretation of aerial photography and map construction.
  • A broad overview of the historical geography of cities and suburbs in the United States. Topics include colonial and mercantile cities, industrialization, immigration, urban planning, the Great Migration, race and segregation, suburbanization, urban renewal, public housing, and gentrification. When appropriate, the course will focus on cities and suburbs in Connecticut and New England.
  • This course introduces students to the geographical concept of regions. Through examination of the physical, historical, and cultural geographies of each region, students will develop understandings of differences and similarities by region. The course focuses on the plethora of important issues confronting different regions of the globe today with an emphasis on the ways in which processes of globalization are both homogenizing and differentiating regions.
  • The influence of geographical factors upon the historical development of our nation and their present impact upon our society.

Health Sciences

  • A course in the study of the principles of medical word building to help the student develop the extensive medical vocabulary used in health science and health care occupations. Students receive a thorough grounding in basic medical terminology through a study of root words, prefixes, and suffixes. The course focuses on correct pronunciation, spelling, and use of medical terms. Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of disease are also discussed.


  • The growing interactions between European and non-European civilizations from the fifteenth century to the emergence of global civilization in the twentieth century.
  • This introductory survey of American history covers the colonial period, the Revolution, early republic, expansion, slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction. Emphasized are the social, economic and political forces that shaped the nation's early history.
  • The second part of the survey of American history considers the Gilded Age, World War I, the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and more recent decades. Emphasized are the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped our immediate past.
  • An introduction to the development of Western culture, ideas, religion, and political organization from the ancient world to the Renaissance.


  • This course offers integrated just-in-time Intermediate Algebra support. Mathematics will be applied to solving practical problems in a variety of disciplines, enhanced by algebraic content and technology skills. Mathematical topics include voting theory, financial mathematics, linear programming, identification numbers, and statistics. Additional topics may include fair division.
  • Topics include the study of functions, domain and range, building new functions through algebraic operations, composition of functions, and inverse functions. The course will also include the study of families of functions such as polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Specifically, students are expected to gain an understanding of algebraic notation, expressions, equations, inequalities and their use in describing and interpreting relationships, functions and function notation, proportional and inversely proportional relationships, and applications of periodic phenomena and trigonometric identities. The use and mastery of graphing technology is an essential aspect of the course. The course is designed for students majoring in STEM disciplines. May also be useful to other quantitative disciplines.
  • Multidisciplinary, data-driven course in applied statistics. Topics selected from exploratory data analysis (tables, graphs, central tendency and variation), correlation and regression, probability and statistical inference (confidence intervals and hypothesis testing). Emphasis placed on interpretation and analysis of real-data sets. Use of statistical computing software is integral to the course.
  • A first course in calculus with a focus on differential calculus. Topics include the study of limits, continuity, rates of change, the definition of the derivative, indeterminate forms, and techniques of differentiation of linear, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions. The course will include applications of the derivative to solve applied problems. Characteristics of functions such as intervals of increase or decrease, concavity, extreme, and end behavior will be studied as a means to describe, reason, interpret, and analyze relationships. The course concludes with an introduction of antiderivatives. Use of an approved graphing calculator is required throughout the course.

  • This is the second course in a three semester calculus sequence. MAT 244 focuses on two related topics: methods and applications of integration, and infinite series and representation of functions by power series. Topics in integration include Riemann sums, definite and indefinite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, applications to geometry (area, volume, arc length) and to real-life problems, and techniques or integration. The course concludes with the study of sequences and series, convergence tests, and power series representation of functions (Taylor series). Use of an approved graphing calculator is required throughout the course.


  • This course introduces students to key musical concepts, terminology, and methodologies that will equip them to listen analytically to music; to understand the ways that music is made, notated, and consumed within cultural contexts; and to apply these concepts through creative activities including musical composition.
  • Students develop the ability to listen analytically to music from the western classical tradition. Using comparative listening, assessments of primary sources, and research, students explore issues fundamental to historians including how to interpret conventions, cultural contexts, and processes of change.
  • Students in this course wil explore important elements of the Music Industry, including the dynamics of the creative economy, the musician as entrepreneur, branding and marketing, global, and music revenue streams and their connection to how works of art are created and consumed. This course will combine readings with in-class discussion, guest-lectures, case studies, and hands-on experience in the field.
  • A study of the basic fundamentals of Western music including pitch, clef, staff, scales, intervals, key signatures, triads, and chords.


  • An introduction to the constructive and critical tasks in philosophy with a discussion of such problems as the origin of language, a priori knowledge, induction, the ontological status of the physical world, the mind-body problem, freedom of determinism, etc., and the diverse responses made to these problems by philosophical schools such as rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism, positivism, etc.
  • This course will explore theories and practices on peace and human rights from a broadly multicultural perspective.
  • A study of the fundamentals of Eastern philosophy and religion including Chinese philosophy Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Zen, and an examination of the similarities and differences between Asian and Western viewpoints.
  • A study of the major positions in Western ethical thought from Socrates to the present, and an examination of the basic principles of moral decision which have been proposed.
  • The development of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratics in Greece through Medieval Europe. Emphasis on Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas.
  • Many ideas which we take for granted today have their origins in the works of 17th and 18th century European philosophers, at the beginnings of what is known as the modern western philosophical tradition. Foundations of the liberal democratic political system; modern judicial concepts of rights, freedoms, punishment, and obligation; moral perspectives which shape our policies on public health and education; concepts of thinking, cognition, and understanding which influence how we relate to the environments around us-the list is too long to mention. We will be studying these influential people, understanding the reasons they give for the conclusions they wish to draw, evaluating the quality, persuasiveness, and shortcomings of their positions, exploring the implications of their conclusions, and extending and applying their reasoning to current areas of interest.
  • This course explores some of the most important figures and ideas in three philosophical traditions of the Medieval period: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish. A variety of medieval tests (monastic, scholastic, mystical, and vernacular) will be read. Among the topics to be examined are: the existence and nature of God, the problem of evil, free will and its relation to God's omnipotence, omniscience and providence, the ontological status of the natural world, the soul and the intellect, the good life for human beings, the normative claims of culture, tradition and prophetic revelation, the relation between faith and reason, mystical visions and divine authority, the role of women in medieval philosophy.


  • An integrated lab-lecture course designed for non-science majors in which the scientific method is studied as it is applied to the investigation of energy and its uses.
  • The basic laws and theories of physics, mechanics, heat and thermodynamics in the first semester; light and sound, electricity and magnetism, modern physics in second semester. Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
  • Continuation of PHY 204: Physics I.

Physical Sciences

  • Physical perspectives of earth as a planet: its crust, atmosphere and oceans, and environment in space. Laboratory exercises emphasizing concepts and methods of science. Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
  • A lecture course designed for non-science majors that investigates fundamental and applied aspects of physical sciences, including matter and chemistry, forms of energy and their transformations, forces and mechanics. The process of scientific inquiry and the production of knowledge will be illustrated with historical and contemporaneous examples.

Political Science

  • This course is designed to engage students in the study of politics by introducing them to the role of government in the creation of public policy and the role of the public in the running of government. This course will provide a strong foundation in the role of government here in the U.S. as well as a perspective on how U.S. policy and institutions differ from other nations.
  • This one credit Political Science course is designed to be paired with similar courses in Geography Science and Economics and will provide basic content for components of the Praxis II Exam for teacher certification.
  • Basic introductory course in political science and the American political process. Both institutional and behavioral aspects of American government will be examined.
  • State and local governments and their institutional arrangements and processes. Particular attention will be given to local governments in Connecticut.
  • A comparison of various political processes and structures among selected countries designed to identify and highlight significant differences among various political models and practices.
  • This class will introduce you to the study of International Relations, which primary concern is the relationship among the world's governments. You will explore various theoretical frameworks that will allow you to understand how countries interact with one another, how diplomacy is used to foster the economic, political and social interests of countries and world events as well as the way that war changes the world order.
  • An examination of the historical, economic, social, political and logical conditions for the development and success of democracies.
  • This course will examine the role of women in politics from participation to representation. Students will evaluate the role that women have played over time in the development of our political system.
  • Major political and economic tension points in the Middle East today with emphasis on why and how these tensions have emerged.
  • Political systems of the major Asian states and China, Japan, and India.


  • Surveys the methods, findings, and theories of scientific psychology. Research methods, neuroscience, human development, learning, sensation and perception, cognition, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, social behavior, and industrial/organizational psychology will be covered. Students are required to participate in psychological research or to complete an alternative writing assignment.
  • Survey of theory and research in social psychology including topics such as attitudes, social perception, interpersonal attraction, aggression, social behavior, social influence and behavior in groups.
  • This course will explore the dynamics of groups and teams. Course content will include the similarities of and differences between groups and teams, and the dynamics experienced by groups and teams such as cooperation/ competition, communication, conflict, and social influence. Topics will be presented in the context of lecture, discussion, and in-class exercises.
  • The social, emotional, moral and gender-role development of children will be studied in the context of their interrelationships with such variables as peer acceptance, parental child-rearing patterns, sibling status, socioeconomic status and school experience. The focus is on children approximately ages 4 through 12.
  • Adolescent patterns of development and the major issues involved in understanding the impact of culture upon the teenager. An examination of the influence of family, neighborhood, school, peers and mass media. The focus is on youth approximately ages 12 through young adulthood.
  • The factors affecting development during middle and late adulthood. Topics to be covered include: physiological aging, memory, intimate and social relationships, parenting and grandparenting, wisdom, death and bereavement, successful aging, myths about aging, and end-of-life issues.
  • A comprehensive course covering physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development from conception to death. Major developmental issues will be discussed along with life-span developmental theory and methodology.
  • The focus of this course is on the study of relationships and families. Topics will include dating and committed relationships, communication patterns, psychological needs within families, and how the following events impact the family: reproduction and childbearing, challenges of parenting, stress, transitions, and aging.

Social Work

  • An overview of the social services and the profession of social work introducing students to the history of the field; knowledge, values, and skills necessary for social work practice; and the variety of social service programs and agencies characterizing the field today. Human rights principles are explored. 


  • A multi-media approach to learning Spanish using video, audio tapes, computer software, and the laboratory. This course introduces students to Hispanic cultures as they acquire basic skills in the language.
  • Continuation of SPA 110: Introductory Spanish I.
  • Using a multi-media approach, students review and refine skills in Spanish as they continue to learn about the Hispanic world.
  • Continuation of SPA 210: Intermediate Spanish I.