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The Social Sciences provide an understanding of how the world works using social and behavioral explanations. Students who study history and social sciences graduate with research, analytical, communication and critical thinking skills; a flexible approach to learning; and the ability to work both independently and as members of a team. Paired with history, the social sciences lead to careers that have a real impact on society.
The History and Social Sciences major at Eastern is designed for students pursuing teaching certification in secondary education, but is open to all students. It combines a broad historical background with in-depth exploration of one or more social sciences, along with a variety of elective options. Majors select courses from the disciplines of anthropology, economics, geography, political science, psychology and sociology.
Median salary, High School Teacher
Median salary, Historian
Salary Range
History students experience the world of history through the History Club, research assistantships, internships, and field trips, as they engage historical sites, museums and historical societies.
History faculty have lead student groups on study trips to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.
History students have the opportunity to be inducted into the Alpha Mu Alpha chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta national history honor society.
Phi Alpha ThetaStudents who pursue undergraduate degrees in History and Social Sciences can have rewarding and successful careers in a variety of professional fields, including:
Graduates from Eastern’s history and social sciences major are working as secondary school teachers in and around Connecticut. Others are enjoying careers as psychologists, counselors, advisors, social workers and social science researchers.
Eastern Connecticut State University alumna Jessica Chapman ’11, a history and social studies teacher at Norwich Free Academy (NFA), was recently surprised with one of the nation’s top educational awards. Chapman was named one of 45 recipients of this year’s Milken Educator Award (MEA) at a schoolwide assembly on Nov. 12. The award comes with a $25,000 cash prize.
More than 20 academic programs and departments at Eastern Connecticut State University recognized student achievements this spring 2024 semester during honor society inductions and award ceremonies.
Professor Emerita Anna Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann's new book, “Polish American Voices: A Documentary History, 1608-2020," compiles 145 documents of Polish American immigrants and their descendants, telling of their journeys, struggles and triumphs.
History and Social Science Major Bruce Darcy teaches playwriting as an adjunct professor at Eastern Connecticut State University. “As a student, faculty members motivated me to pursue creative interests in addition to academic ones. I was pushed to work outside of my comfort zone, and as a result, I was able to find my voice and a career I’m passionate about.”
Milton is Vice President, Head of Customer Growth, The Hartford. “I attribute my success to the multitude of Eastern faculty and staff who provided me guidance and mentorship during and after graduation.”
Elaine received one of the nation’s most prestigious education awards, the Milken Educator Award in 2023. She teaches fourth grade at the Academic Academy for gifted students at Michael F. Wallace Middle School in Waterbury. “I approach teaching elementary school with the belief that all students must be supported, believed in, respected and held to the highest standards in order for them to reach their full potential.”
A member of Eastern’s softball team and an Honors Program student, Emma aspires to be a high school history teacher. “I want to give my students the ability to think critically about the information they are learning, a skill which will serve them beyond my classroom. I hope to provide my students with an immersive and engaging experience with history while teaching them these valuable skills.”
A member of Eastern’s softball team and an Honors Program student, Emma aspires to be a high school history teacher. “I want to give my students the ability to think critically about the information they are learning, a skill which will serve them beyond my classroom. I hope to provide my students with an immersive and engaging experience with history while teaching them these valuable skills.”
History and Social Science major Wiley Dawson is the assistant director of the center for career development at UConn's Hartford campus. “While I was at Eastern, my history professors challenged me to think critically and come up with creative ways to solving problems. They prepared me to be nimble and versatile, which has proved useful in both my personal and professional lives.”
Joe spent two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia, teaching English and computer skills. “I learned it takes a well-rounded person to be successful in the Peace Corps. My experiences at Eastern inside and outside the classroom prepared me well.” Joe is now a building management specialist in New York and has applied to master’s degree programs in international affairs and development.
Adam won a Fulbright scholarship to study the Indonesian language on the island of Java, Indonesia. “I’m honored to have been selected for such an amazing program, which enabled me to continue learning about Indonesia and its wonderful people.” Murphy is now in a master’s program in public policy at the University of Connecticut.