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Math Foundations Program

  • The mission of the Math Foundations Program at Eastern is to strengthen the math preparedness of both non-STEM and STEM students. As part of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the program strives to maintain the disciplinary integrity of all of its courses. Students in non-STEM disciplines will learn not only the mathematical skills needed for success in their current course of study but basic math readiness skills for other non-STEM courses. Students in STEM disciplines will receive the appropriate rigorous mathematical instruction required for success in their chosen field. Instruction will be complemented by recognition of math used in daily non-STEM and STEM life and by teaching life-long learning skills. All students will learn appropriate technology skills for their disciplines.
  • MFP Courses

  • Each course in the Math Foundations Program has its own designated resource page. Click on the links below to read course descriptions and utilize the resources to aid with your academic success.

    Please report any broken links immediately to the Coordinator of the Math Foundations Program (information is at the bottom of the page)

    MAT 099 - Algebra Essentials Resources Page
    MAT 135P - Math for Liberal Arts Plus Resources Page
    MAT 139P - Number Systems Plus Resources Page
    MAT 155P - PreCalculus Mathematics Plus Resources Page
    MAT 135 - Math for Liberal Arts Resources Page
    MAT 155 - PreCalculus Mathematics Resources Page

  • Below is a flow chart for courses in the Math Foundations Program. The level at which you start is determined by your SAT Math Score or Accuplacer Test (see Math Placement Information website for details). The level at which you start guides your course flow.

     Math Foundations Program Course Flow Chart

  • All students must satisfy their LAC Tier I Math requirement for their respective degree program of study within their first 30 credits earned at Eastern. The LAC Tier I Math courses are Math 135P, 139P, 155P, 135, 155 and 243. Students who fail any of these courses in any given semester must take the course again, the following semester. If a student fails to complete these courses within the first 30 credits earned at Eastern, he/she will not be allowed to register for additional courses unless his/her registration includes the required LAC Tier I Math course.
  • The Department recognizes that most students learn best by being actively involved in their learning. All students enrolled in MAT 099, 135P, 139P, 155P, 135 and 155 must meet the Departmental Mathematics Class Attendance policy. Read the policy below for your respective course.

    MAT 099, 135 (three-credit courses): It is Department policy that a student with more than 5 absences of class meetings for the semester will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

    MAT 135P, 139P, 155 (four-credit courses): It is Department policy that a student with more than 6 absences of class meetings for the semester will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

    MAT 155P (five-credit course): It is Department policy that a student with more than 8 absences of class meetings for the semester will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

    In addition, instructors reserve the right to lower grades in lesser cases of poor attendance. You are responsible for all material covered in class or given for homework, independently of your attendance of a class. Attendance is essential and will be recorded!

  • All students enrolled in MAT 099, 135P and 155P must meet the MAC policy (this is optional for MAT 155 students and is determined by individual instructors). As stated on your course syllabus, you are required to visit the Mathematics Achievement Center (MAC) for a minimum of 14 hours during the semester. MAC participation will be counted as 10% of your final course grade. Your grade will be based on the percentage of the required 14 hours that you complete. For information on the MAC please visit the MAC website.
    Note that students will receive credit for a maximum of 3 hours per day in the MAC. Students are welcome to stay as long as they wish, but they will only receive credit for 3 hours.

    Students should be proactive in keeping track of their required MAC hours. To assist with this, download the form: MAC Student Personal Tracking Sheet.

Math Foundations Program Coordinator

Dr. Kim Ward
Science Building, Room 154
phone number (860) 465 - 4544
fax number (860) 465 - 4614