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2.1.b Data Collection, Analysis, and Evaluation

Summarize processes, timelines, and outcomes of data collection, analysis, and evaluation of
candidate performance, program quality, and unit operations.

Eastern EPP has determined separate processes, timelines and outcomes for candidates in the initial and
advanced programs. Both have three transition points: Admission, Mid-point, and Exit.

EPP faculty meet annually at a retreat to review EPP-wide data, determine programmatic changes,
implement and discuss EPP-wide changes. During the May 2016 retreat, EPP faculty decided to increase
the number of annual retreats to three meetings. The first EPP retreat will be in early Fall semester to
review Spring data and to implement or monitor changes in the upcoming Fall semester. Thus the first
retreat meeting for the upcoming academic year will be on August 26, 2016. The second EPP retreat
meeting will be in late December to discuss/review Fall implementations and to examine the data on
candidates' performance in licensure tests. The third EPP retreat will be in late May to compare annual
data with previous years, to determine trends and to plan for programmatic changes for the future years.

EPP Program Quality and Unit Operations: Eastern EPP uses several assessments and processes to
evaluate program quality and unit operations. We define unit operations as activities undertaken by the
EPP pertaining to governance, planning, budget, personnel, facilities, services and procedures such as
advising and admission, and resources that support the EPP's mission in preparing candidates. Some of
the ways in which program quality and Unit operations are assessed are the following:

. Alumni Survey - The Alumni Survey, which seeks feedback from alumni about their experiences in the
educator preparation program. Conducted annually and results reviewed and plans for improvement
determined at the EPP retreat.

. Employer Survey - The Employer Survey is used to determine the effectiveness of our alumni on the
job. Conducted annually and results reviewed and plans for improvement determined at the EPP retreat.

. End of Program/Exit Survey -All initial and advanced candidates complete an End of Program/Exit
Survey at the end of the semester in which they complete their program. Candidates are asked to assess
areas such as: program admission procedures, advising and support services, student teaching/internship
placement, availability of courses, library and technology resources, quality of instruction, and overall
quality of the program. Conducted annually and results reviewed and plans for improvement determined
at the EPP retreat.

. Faculty Evaluations - Candidates evaluate the instructors of all their enrolled courses each semester
using an anonymous course evaluation survey that is used throughout the CSCU system, as required by
the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement. The survey results are compiled by the department
secretary and results are returned to the faculty and their relevant department chair, as per the AAUP
collective bargaining agreement guidelines and the departmental by-laws. Individual faculty make
course revisions as needed with faculty evaluations and review of course evaluations completed by the
Department Evaluation Committee, as guided by our by-laws and contract.

. Annual Report - Each program submits an annual report to the Dean. The report is based on guidelines
established to meet institutional goals and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
standards. After a review of the report by the Dean, the report is submitted to the Provost for further

. Unit and Program Operations: Key unit and program assessments have been identified for each
preparation program. Formative data from multiple sources are collected on these assessments each
semester. Programs analyze these data to document their findings. Annually, summative data are
collected, compiled, analyzed and discussed by the unit. During the annual EPP Retreat, the formative
and summative assessment process used, as well as the decisions made regarding program and unit
operations are discussed. Any needed changes to ensure continuous improvements are then made and

As head of the EPP, the Dean of the School of Education and Professional Studies has the responsibility
to effectively manage, coordinate, and oversee the governance, planning, budget, personnel, and
facilities of the EPP. Feedback is sought and obtained from the university's at-large Executive
Leadership and Leadership Teams, as needed.

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