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Request Semester Accommodations

To formally request accommodations, students need to submit a Semester Accommodation Request via Accommodate each academic semester. Students with an Eastern Connecticut State University Banner ID number can request an accommodation by submitting a Semester Accommodation Request by logging into the ECSU Accommodate Symplicity Portal. This new system allows you to select the accommodation(s) you are requesting to utilize for each of your classes.

Registered OAS students must request accommodation(s) each semesterYou must request accommodations for each academic semester using the process outlined below. Should your schedule change, you are responsible for requesting accommodations for your new classes using the same process. If you register with the OAS mid-semester, you will also request accommodations using the same process.

Current and sufficient documentation must be on file with the OAS in order to process requested accommodations. If you have any questions, you can email

Once you have successfully submitted your accommodations through the Eastern Accommodate Symplicity portal, the OAS emails a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to each of your professor(s) for the class you are utilizing the accommodation(s). 

Please note: 

Accommodations are not retroactive.

The Accommodate system recognizes your legal name; however, the OAS tries to ensure your preferred name is on the Letters of Accommodations sent to your professors by editing your preferred name. Please know the OAS honors your preferred name in all other contexts whenever possible. 

Below are the steps that guide you on the new process to request accommodations for each academic semester: 
  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your full Eastern email address and email password; this log in information is the same as all your other Eastern accounts. 
    Steps 1 and 2 Accommodate Portal and login. For initial log-in select forgot password
  3. Select the 'Accommodation' tab from the left menu.
  4. Next, select 'Semester Request' from the drop-down menu.

    Steps 3 and 4 Accommodations and Semester sample keywords on page
  5. Then choose the semester for which you are requesting accommodations from the drop-down menu. Select 'Add New.'
    Step 5 drop-down menu and add new example
  6. Once you have selected 'Add New,' your approved accommodations will appear along with your currently enrolled classes on the right pane. Select 'Review the Renewal.'
    Step 6 Review renewal request example 
  7. Review your current AccessAbility Accommodation Request(s). If you do not need an accommodation in a particular class, ×deselect the class. Make sure you review every accommodation and deselect any classes for which you do not need the accommodation(s).
    Step 7 Review Accommo Request
  8. Once the Accessibility Accommodation Request is complete, select 'Submit.'  

Step 8 Select Submit

For further assistance, questions or support regarding Semester Accommodation Requests, please contact