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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

My disability is ADD or ADHD. What documentation is needed?

If you were diagnosed in high school or prior, you may contact your high school and ask that any recent records related to your disability be submitted. These may include formal evaluations and test reports. If your mental health provider diagnosed you, and/or if you are prescribed medication for this diagnosis, please have your mental health provider/prescriber submit a detailed letter and/or a Documentation of Disability Form, which can be found on the OAS website, under "Forms & Resources." Please note that this documentation should be updated every 3 years.

Additional Guidelines:

  • Submission of a current neuropsychological or psycho-educational assessment is recommended. Instruments for this diagnostic evaluation should include a comprehensive battery and be normed on adult measures, with all subtests and standard scores reported.
  • Documentation should indicate how the disability substantially limits major life activities and how these limitations would impact the individual's ability to function in a college environment.
  • Documentation should include recommendations for how the effects of the disorder may be accommodated along with the rationale for each accommodation.
  • Documentation must be on letterhead, typed, dated and signed, including the name, title, and professional credentials of the appropriate mental health provider.
  • Documentation is valid for three (3) years from the date on the report and should be updated accordingly.