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Make a Report/Reporting Options

Reporting is both a right and an individual choice. You have different reporting options available to you. Please note you do not need to choose only one option. You may choose as many options you feel you need. It is completely up to you. It is, however, important to understand that each option has its own procedures and mandated processes. No two processes are the same nor will they produce the same outcome. If this is an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological, or police services, please call 911.

  1. Contacting the Office of Equity and Diversity/Title IX and filing a formal complaint.
    You have the right to file a formal complaint with the Office of Equity and Diversity/Title IX which
    initiates an administrative investigation of alleged behavior that violated our Sexual Misconduct Policy
    stated in the Student Code of Conduct. This process does not investigate violations of
    criminal law.
    1. All investigations of violations of Title IX and our Sexual Misconduct Policy are designed to
      be prompt, fair, impartial and to equitably protect the rights of individuals participating in
      the process. If you choose to submit a complaint, you have the right to have a support person
      present with you throughout the complaint, investigation, and hearing process.
    2. As the reporting party you do have the choice to participate or not in the investigation
      • It is important to know that in certain cases, the Title IX Coordinator may choose to move forward with the investigation even if the reporting party wishes to not participate. The reporting party will not be forced to participate but will be notified if an investigation will continue or not.
    3. For more information on filing a formal complaint, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at (860) 465-5012.
  2. Third Party/Anonymous Reporting
    Any individual has the right to file a report on the Title IX: Sexual Misconduct, Interpersonal Violence, or Stalking Form
    1. The Title IX Sexual Misconduct, Interpersonal Violence, or Stalking form gives the option to
      file anonymously without any identifying information.
    2. Note University employees are required to file a Title IX: Sexual Misconduct, Interpersonal Violence or Stalking form when made aware of an incident related to sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence.
    3. For more information on anonymous reporting please contact the Title IX Coordinator at (860) 465-5012.
  3. Contacting the University Police Department
    Reporting an incident to police does not commit you to further legal action. The earlier you report any such incident, the easier it will be for police to investigate the crime and to prosecute the case successfully if that is your choice.
    1. Criminal Complaint. Students may make criminal complaints with the University Police Department. The police will inform the students of their rights and options. University police will investigate and will keep the student apprised about any decision to prosecute. Note: A criminal investigation will be done through the Police department with jurisdiction of the area that the crime was committed.
    2. The police will review all cases with the State’s Attorney’s office. The State’s Attorney will make the final decision to prosecute under state law.
    3. If you wish to have the accused prosecuted, the police and district attorney’s office will handle the legal proceedings without expense to you. You do not need to hire an attorney.
    4. If you wish, you may have a Victim’s advocate present with you while making a complaint to the police.
    5. Protective and/or Restraining Orders
      1. Campus police and advocates can help you explore safety options such as protective or restraining orders that can be requested and issued by a judge from the criminal courts related to any of the above incidents.
      2. A court issued protective or restraining order prohibits someone from communicating with a complainant, from entering the complainant’s residence, workplace, school, or property and any place the complainant may frequent.
      3. When informed that a protective or restraining order has been issued, Eastern will take immediate steps to enforce the order as it relates to activities on the campus. It is important that students alert Eastern police that such an order has been issued (providing the police with a copy of the order is strongly encouraged).