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Preparing the Schedule

At the beginning of the scheduling process, each department will receive a copy of the final schedule from the previous like term.

For example, if you are beginning the process for a FALL semester, the Respective Dean's Office will send the prior FALL semester's final schedule as an excel document. This document is provided as a courtesy if the department would like to use it as a guideline to build the new schedule.

NOTE: each schedule (including room assignments) is created new each year. The ability to schedule courses in previous semesters is not a guarantee to have them successfully scheduled in future terms.

The spreadsheet will ask for the following information:

CRN [Course Registration Numbers] do not carry over from semester to semester - a new CRN is generated for each course each semester).

Subj: This cell needs to reflect the three letter subject code of each course (for example, an English course is ENG, a Geography course is GEO)

Crse: This cell needs to reflect the course number

Sect: This cell needs to reflect the section number for each course. In general, the first section of a course is listed as 01, the second section is 02, and so forth. The following is a list of special section listings:

  • Online Courses: starts with E25, followed by E26, and so forth
  • Hybrid Courses: starts with H01, followed by H02, and so forth
  • Cross-Listed Courses: starts with 01X, followed by 02X, and so forth (each cross listed course should have the same section coding)
  • Two Week Intensive Courses: coded with 07
  • Variable Credit Courses: starts with 01V, followed by 02V, and so forth


  • Vernon/Rockville: 60
  • Capital Community College: 66
  • Manchester Community College: 44
  • New London/Groton Sites - Groton: 64
  • New London/Groton Sites - Sub Base: 40
  • Three Rivers Community College: 54
  • Jamaica: 55

Title: This cell should reflect the full name of the course. If it is a special topics course or a course with a varying title, the correct title should be noted.

Name: This cell should reflect the name of the instructor; please use full names. If it is undecided who will be the instructor, the cell should indicate PTStaff or FTStaff (for part-time or full-time staff). If this is a new instructor, the department should contact the Registrar's Office so that the appropriate identifying information can be coded into Banner.

Days: This cell should reflect the days of the week that the course will be taught. Use the following codes: U,M,T,W,R,F,S (Sunday - Saturday)

Meet Time: This cell should reflect the start and end time that the course will meet.

Meeting Dates: This cell should reflect the dates that the course will meet or an explanation of the time frame (full term, first 7 weeks, first 10 weeks, etc.)

Bldg Rm: This cell should be filled out if the department has a restricted room that is under their control and that should be utilized for the course. If there is no space that is controlled by the department, the cell should be left blank.

Max Enrl: This cell should reflect the maximum enrollment that is listed in banner for the course (Please Note: this number cannot be altered without approval of the curriculum committee. A one-time change can be permitted by the dean to whom the individual department reports.)

Cr Hrs: This cell should reflect the credit hours earned by students for the course.

Notes: This cell should reflect any special needs to for the course (computer room, MAC lab, etc.). Without notation, the Registrar's Office will assume that a standard lecture space is needed for the course. Please be specific. If the course submitted has received a waiver from the University's scheduling policy, it should be noted in this cell.