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Recommended Course Sequence for Computer Science Degrees

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule.

Recommended Course Sequence for Computer Science B.A.

First Year

  • CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science or
    CSC 180 Fundamentals of Computing - 3 credits
  • CSC 210 Computer Science and Programming I - 3 credits
  • MAT 155 Precalculus Mathematics or MAT 155P Precalculus
    • Mathematics Plus or
      MAT 195 Calc for BUS, DSC, & ECO or
      MAT 243 Calc I with Technology. - 4–5 credits
  • ENG 100 College Writing or
    ENG 100 P
    College Writing Plus. - 3–5 credits
  • LAC 100 and LAC 101 Introduction to the LAC. - 4 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary Perspectives or General Electives. - 9–15 credits

Total for Year: 30–32 credits

Second Year

  • LAC 200 Intermediate LAC Seminar - 3 credits
  • CSC 231 Computer Science and Programming II - 3 credits
  • Choose one (1):
    CSC 230 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science - 3 credits
    MAT 230 Discrete Structures - 3 credits
  • CSC Principles or B.A. Electives - 3 credits
  • CSC 270 Data Structures - 3 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary Perspectives - 12 credits
  • General Elective - 3 credits

Total for Year: 30 credits

Third Year

  • Computer Science Principles or BA Electives - 9 credits
  • CSC 341 Database and Information Management - 3 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary Perspectives and General Electives - 18 credits

Total for Year: 30 credits credits

Fourth Year

  • LAC 400 LAC Seminar Advanced Level - 3 credits
  • CSC 445 Software Engineering - 3 credits
  • CSC 450 Senior Research - 3 credits
  • CSC B.A. Electives - 6 credits
  • General Electives - 15 credits

Total for Year: 30 credits

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule.

Recommended Course Sequence for Computer Science B.S.

First Year

  • CSC 180 Fundamentals of Computing - 3 credits
  • CSC 210 Computer Science and Programming I - 3 credits
  • MAT 155 Precalculus Mathematics - 4–5 credits
  • MAT 243 Calculus I with Technology - 4 credits
  • ENG 100 College Writing or
    ENG 100 P College Writing Plus - 3–5 credits
  • LAC 100 Seminar – Introductory and LAC 101 – Introduction to the LAC - 4 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary Perspectives - 6-12 credits

Total for Year: 30 – 32 credits

Second Year

  • LAC 200 Intermediate LAC Seminar - 3 credits
  • CSC 231 Computer Science and Programming II - 3 credits
  • Choose one (1):
    • CSC 230 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science - 3 credits
    • MAT 230 Discrete Structures - 3 credits
  • MAT 244 Calculus II with Technology - 4 credits
  • CSC 251 Networking Fundamentals - 3 credits
  • CSC 270 Data Structures - 3 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary Perspectives - 12 credits

Total for Year: 31 credits

Third Year

  • CSC 320 Computer Organization and Architecture - 3 credits
  • CSC 335 Algorithm Design and Analysis - 3 credits
  • CSC 341 Database and Information Management - 3 credits
  • CSC 340 Programming Languages and Translation - 3 credits
  • CSC 3/400 Computer Science Electives - 6 credits
  • ELAC Disciplinary and General Electives - 12 credits

Total for Year: 30 credits

Fourth Year

  • LAC 400 LAC Seminar Advanced Level - 3 credits
  • CSC 445 Software Engineering - 3 credits
  • CSC 440 Operating Systems - 3 credits
  • CSC 450 Senior Research - 3 credits
  • CSC 3/400 Computer Science Electives - 6 credits
  • General Electives - 12 credits

Total for Year: 30 credits