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Medical Leave of Absence FAQs

IMPORTANT: Withdrawing from the semester can affect a student in a variety of ways in which the Student Health Service is not able to counsel or advise. These include, but are not limited to: health insurance eligibility, Financial Aid status, scholarships, departmental standing for certain majors, athletics’ status, etc. The student should check with the applicable offices to clarify how his/her particular circumstances will be affected by withdrawal.

Types of Withdrawal

  1. Withdrawal – is an option from dropping courses after the Add/Drop deadline date. A student maywithdraw at any time before the last day of classes. Full-time students must consult the AcademicSuccess Center Director or a designee.
  2. Leave of Absence – can be granted only by the Academic Dean of the student’s school in advance ofthe leave. The student must specify the semester in which they plan to return. A leave of absence isrecorded on the student’s official transcript. Students on leave must contact the Registrar to receivean appointment for registration for the semester of their planned return. Failure to register for theapproved return semester will result in withdrawal from the University requiring the student toapply for readmission.
  3. Medical Leave of Absence – Students are permitted to take voluntary leaves of absence for physicalor mental health reasons. If a student so requests, the Student Health Service or Counseling Centerwill assist a student in determining whether to take a voluntary medical leave of absence and inarranging that leave. Students who are receiving medical or psychiatric services outside of the
    University will need to provide supporting documentation to either the Student Health Service’s orCounseling Center’s Director or designee for review and determination of leave.

Common questions and answers regarding the process for a medical leave of absence

  • No. A medical leave of absence constitutes a complete withdrawal from all classes and school.

    Medical leave of absence cannot be granted for selected classes.

  • The medical leave of absence shows up on transcripts as “W” signifying “withdrawal.” Those individuals reviewing a transcript would have no way of knowing the reason for the withdrawal.

  • You need to get that information from the source of your financial aid and/or your academic advisor.

  • You will not be able to register for classes again or sign up for housing until you have met all the conditions necessary to re-enter the University. Please refer to the Post-Medical Leave of Absence Re-enrollment form.

  • It is in the student’s best interest to discuss the decision with family or those persons who provide financial support to the student and, therefore, may also be impacted by this decision. If the student is requesting a medical leave of absence for physical reasons, the student will need to provide supporting documentation from the health care practitioner, e.g. doctor, surgeon, providing the care. The initial step will require the student to have the Request for Medical Leave of Absence Physician/Health Care Professional Certification (see below) completed and returned to the Director of Student Health Services for review. Once the student is granted the medical leave of absence, additional paperwork for clearance to be re-enrolled will need to be completed.

  • Anyone who is granted a medical leave of absence must remain out of school for a minimum of one semester and receive treatment during that time from a licensed health care practitioner e.g., medical doctor, surgeon. When the student is ready to return to school, the treating health care practitioner must document the treatment history on the “Post-Medical Leave of Absence Re- enrollment Form” and submit it to the Director of Student Health Services. The student’s health care professional will need to address the following points:

    1. the student has complied with treatment;
    2. the student is stable and ready to return to the unstructured, and sometimes stressful, environment of the university;
    3. the student has addressed the issues that led him/her to take a medical leave of absence; and
    4. it is in the best interest of the student to return to school. The health care practitioner will also include a diagnosis, prognosis, and, if applicable, recommendations for follow-up treatment. The Student Health Service may ask the student to come in to see us upon return to school if felt necessary.
  • No. The Student Health Service does not grant retroactive medical leave of absences. They are only given for the current semester.

  • Students taking a medical leave of absence will need to move out of their residence hall within 48 hours of leave being granted.