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FY 12 November Budget Update

Many of you have no doubt heard about the Governor’s recent decision to rescind 5 percent from the overall budget of the CSUs. This rescission, and other cuts across several agencies, have come in response to a projected deficit in the state’s budget for this fiscal year. There are also plans to convene a special legislative session before the end of the year to consider additional reductions. As a result of the recent rescission, we are expecting about a 5 percent reduction in this year’s budget. This means that we now have less money than was anticipated when the fiscal year began. Thus, we must continue to take steps to ensure our budget remains balanced through the end of the fiscal year.

The University remains committed to completing the tenure-track searches that are currently underway. However, the Board of Regents may review the fiscal condition of the Colleges and Universities and determine otherwise. Given this commitment to hire much needed new faculty, we must still ensure that we have funds sufficient to provide the high quality education that our students expect and deserve.

The Ad Hoc Budget Committee remains confident that our University will be able to balance the budget, as has been done in every year since the fiscal crisis began. However, as in previous years, our ability to balance this year’s budget will depend on the assistance of all Eastern’s faculty and staff. To help manage our ongoing fiscal challenges, the Ad Hoc Budget Committee again strongly urges all departments to continue to limit their spending. Please restrict your purchases to only those items that are essential to current operations. As in past years, no department will be penalized in next year’s budget for amounts not spent this year. Any expense you can postpone at this time, however, will help us manage our budget as we continue to seek ways to protect our academic core and ensure our students receive an exemplary liberal arts education.

In addition, we ask that you use sound judgment when placing work orders to request only that which is necessary. In particular, requests of Facilities or Information Technology should be scrutinized carefully to ensure that only necessary adjustments are made. In the past, both departments have worked to fill any request that has been made, no matter what was requested. In these difficult times, however, we are asking that you only submit work orders for those projects or items that are essential to the academic mission of the University. To help in this area, the appropriate Vice President will be asked by Facilities or ITS to review and approve only requests that are absolutely essential.

Eastern has successfully weathered this fiscal crisis so far, due in large part to the sacrifices made by all members of our community. Your efforts to date are appreciated. As it has since its creation, the Ad Hoc Budget Committee will continue to provide the campus community with a transparent review of our fiscal situation, and we encourage you to visit our website, which can be found at:
