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Named Rooms and Collections


The Paul E. Johnson, Sr. Community Conference Room (Room 204)

Given by the Johnson family, in his honor. Dedicated in 1999. Mr. Johnson served on the Staff of Willimantic State Teachers College (now Eastern Connecticut State University) from April 1, 1948 until June 1, 1966. The Class of 1953 dedicated their yearbook, The Laurel to Mr. Johnson for his "untiring efforts over and above those called for."

The Zittel User Education Room (Room 263)

Given by Captain Karl O. A. Zittel, U.S.C.G., in loving memory of his daughter Frances Karlyn Zittel, to establish an Endowment to support Educational programs and Educational scholarships at Eastern Connecticut State University. Dedicated in 1999.

The Alumni Association Group Study Room (Room 241)

Given by the Eastern Connecticut State University Alumni Association to commemorate the creation of the ECSU Alumni Association Career and Experimental Services endowment fund by the Board (1998-99 Board members: John F. Kearney Jr., '75, President; Bernetta Steadman, '91, Vice President; James W. Dennis, '74, Treasurer; Seema Patel, '92, Secretary). Dedicated in 1999.

The Curran Family Group Study Room (Room 332)

Given by Dr. Ann M. Curran, Professor Emeritus, Eastern Connecticut State University, from 1953 to 1986, in loving memory of her father, mother, and brother (Eugene E. Curran, Sr.; Winifred Moriarty Curran, and Eugene E. Curran, Jr.). Dr. Curran also gave her brother's large collection of books to the library. Dedicated in 1999.

The John J. DelMonte Listening Room (Room 471)

Given by Mrs. Madeline Bernstein in loving memory of her son, John J. DelMonte (1951-1991), Class of 1973. The collection consists of Mr. DelMonte's records, playbills, and book materials. Some of the playbills are framed and on display in the DelMonte Room.

The Reverend Collin B. Bennett Caribbean Collection (Room 313)

Given by Reverend and Mrs. Collin Bennett and the Bennett Family. The Reverend, Class of 1981, and his family donated a substantive amount to support the collection of library resources written and created by people who understand the people, life, and culture of the Caribbean, thus enriching the lives of the users in the region.

The Mead Latin American Collection

Given by Mrs. Harriet Mead, this collection of rich materials, the lifelong collection of her husband Dr. Robert Mead, contains thousands of titles onLatin American Studies, many of which are quite unique. Dr. Mead was a Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Connecticut between 1949-84.

The Cheng Family Group Study (Room 334)

Given by Dr. Sheldon S. D. Cheng, Mr. Paul S. Cheng and Dr. Tina Cheng Fu in loving memory of Mrs. Maria Sun Cheng (1905-1993) and Dr. Sherman Shih Mei Cheng (1934-1983). Dedicated 6/1/01.

The Associates Campaign

In the library's Atrium, the Wall of Honor contains nameplates of people who supported the University and Library in the "Associates Campaign".