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William Keane ’20

Physical Education Major

williamkeane.pngDear Dr. Switchenko & Dr. Horrocks,

I am beyond grateful to receive the Horrocks and Switchenko scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic school year. With the help of this scholarship, I will be able to continue my education at Eastern Connecticut State University majoring in Health and Physical Education. I have had the honor to go through all of Dr. Switchenko’s anatomy and physiology courses. He has pushed me through academic rigor, but with hard work and time commitment, I know what I am capable of. His classes have helped me understand the dedication it takes in our field of exercise and sport. I always remember him saying “who are you going to motivate to move, if you do not know your content and engage in physical activity yourself. He helped me learn and recognize in this field that you truly have to walk the walk.

In the future, I hope to become a health and physical educator that provides students with motivation and the necessary information to live a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. The HPE program at Eastern Connecticut State University has prepared me to have the best content and field work to assure I get the job that I am striving to get. With this scholarship, all of the money will be going towards my classes at Eastern and allow me to focus more on school.  This scholarship is more than enough to help my family and I. From the Keane’s to the Horrocks and the Switchenko’s, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


William Keane
Future Health and Physical Educator