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Emily Hill ’19

Elementary Education/English Major

emilyhill.pngTo Whom It May Concern,

Thank you so much for your donation to the ECSU foundation.  Your donation made it possible for students such as myself to receive scholarships.  Education has always been really important to me, being one area of my life that I have always been motivated to do well in, which is probably why I want to become a teacher.  The opportunities that I have had at Eastern both academic and extracurricular, have been amazing and have shaped me into the person that I am today.  I’ve been able to complete undergraduate research about children’s literature, complete the Leap into Leadership program, work as a student orientation consoler, and participate in several student clubs, all because I haven’t had to stress about working two or three jobs to pay for college.  The freedom to explore all that Eastern has to offer has truly shaped my college experience, and I appreciate the part you played in making that possible.  I am excited to graduate in May, without any debt, and become a teacher that makes a noticeable impact.  Thanks again!

Emily Hill