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Temporary Medical Conditions

The Office of AccessAbility Services (OAS) provides reasonable accommodations to students with temporary medical conditions such as injuries, illnesses, or complicated pregnancies, who may require temporary support. Documentation is required and reasonable accommodations are determined based on the nature and impact of the temporary condition on a case-by-case basis.

To qualify for temporary accommodations, a student should provide documentation of the temporary medical condition as determined by a physician or other health care provider. The follow documentation is required in order to determine appropriate temporary accommodations and services. The documentation is to be typed on letterhead with the physician's signature and should include the following:

  • A clear statement of the temporary medical condition, symptoms, and the expected length of the condition.
  • Current impact the condition has on the student's daily functioning and learning.
  • The physician's recommended accommodations.
  • Some temporary medical conditions may require additional updated documentation in the future.

Alternatively, providers may submit a Documentation of Disability Form - Temporary Injuries, located on the OAS website, under "Forms & Resources." Below are examples of temporary medical conditions.



Documentation from having suffered a concussion need to be provided by a licensed care provider. The OAS does not accept a note reflecting a visit to Health Services as protocol to request accommodations. Students that suffer from a concussion must submit documentation that supports substantial impairment and recommendations for specific disability related symptoms. The OAS reviews all documented symptoms to determine appropriate and reasonable temporary accommodations. 


Mobility Impairment

The OAS does not have access to mobility aids, like wheelchairs, canes, crutches, or scooters. Below are some resources if you need support with navigation around campus:

  •  Students with Disabilities can request shuttle service to anywhere on campus.
    Shuttle users can now locate the Eastern shuttle(s) in real-time by viewing Eastern's shuttle bus information and location webpage.

  • Shuttle Location APP: TransLoc Rider app to get this service on your smartphone. Review Eastern's Shuttle Service web page to learn how to download the app.

  • Police officers and the student patrol are available to escort individuals to and from any location on campus after shuttle hours or for specific circumstances. Call the Police Department @ 860-465-5310 to request an escort.



A temporary medical condition due to a complicated pregnancy must create a substantial impairment to major life activities, as documented by the physician indicating medical necessity of extended absences. Possible accommodations and adjustments may also include a larger desk, frequent bathroom trips, and temporary elevator access.


Class Attendance

As attendance may be essential to the learning process, OAS is not able to fundamentally alter attendance policies set by the faculty. It is essential for students to understand that faculty are not required to make substantial modifications in the structure of their course. A student may be referred to the Dean of Students in the case of significant absences beyond the professor's regular attendance policy.


Title IX

Title IX requires a school to excuse a student's absences due to pregnancy and related conditions, for as long as the student's doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary. When the student returns to school, she must be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began, which should include giving her the opportunity to make up any work missed. A professor or school may offer the student alternatives to making up missed work, such as retaking a semester, taking part in an online course credit recovery program, or allowing the student additional time to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date.

Unless a pregnant student voluntarily decides to participate in a separate portion of her educational program or activity, the college or university cannot discriminate or exclude her from any class or extracurricular activity on the basis of her pregnancy status. If the student takes a leave of absence for childbirth or other pregnancy related conditions she must be re-instated to the status she held when the leave began.