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Eastern Connecticut State University Participates in Annual Sustainability Week

Published on September 26, 2016

Eastern Connecticut State University Participates in Annual Sustainability Week

Eastern Connecticut State University will be hosting the Second Annual Campus Sustainability Week from Oct. 1-7. The Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) will host numerous events for students, faculty and staff designed to promote sustainable actions throughout the state’s higher education institutions.

This weeklong celebration is being coordinated by the Connecticut Alliance for Campus Sustainability, which is a network that encourages state universities to address challenges at local and state levels. The collection of events is intended to contribute to the states discussion of the importance of sustainability across college campuses. Events for this year are as follows:

Oct. 1: Eastern’s rugby team will be hosting a green rugby game in honor of sustainability week at 1 pm.

Oct. 3: CT Rides will be leading a workshop, “Alternative Transportation for Residents of Mansfield, Manchester or Windham” at 12 pm in hopes to teach students the benefits of carpooling and vanpooling and the options that are available.

Oct. 4: The Department of Environmental Earth Science will sponsor the screening of the award winning documentary “Sustainable.” There will be two showings, one beginning at 11 a.m. and the other at 12:30 p.m. The ISE will also be hosting a book swap event at 372 High Street between 2-6 pm. Bring a book you have already read and swap with another individual for a book you want to read.

Oct. 5: Robert Scott, project manager of the wastewater treatment faculty at UConn, will deliver a presentation during the FYI 100 Green Business Models class at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. in Goddard 223.

Oct. 6: The Willimantic Co-op will have a table outside the Student Center in hopes of educating students, faculty and staff about their produce and the benefits of becoming a member. The ISE’s Alyssa Norwood will be leading the “Connecticut Airline Trail,” a walking tour beginning at 1 pm.

Oct. 7: Beginning at 9 am students, staff and faculty are invited to assist the ISE and Grow Windham as they clean up Eastern’s community garden and prepare it for the winter. Students also have the opportunity beginning at 11 am to clean up Eastern’s Arboretum. Volunteers will assist by clearing trash and recyclables.

The week will wrap up in Student Center 223 with a Guest speaker from Yale University who will present on Sustainable development goals at 2 pm.

Written by Christina Rossomando

Categories: Sustainability